
Welcome to my site, home of infinite human potential. The focus and purpose of my work here is to provide information to the readers so they can make the best out of their lives.

This website is all about increasing awareness among people on how to make themselves better in life. With the constant changes in daily lives it is important for an individual to rise to the occasion whenever needed. With some suggestions provided on this website, it is my goal to make people realize their full potential and use it to make the best decisions for themselves.

Some of the topics covered are listed below, you can browse through the website pages or provided categories to look for informative content that may help you in your life’s endeavor. Whether you are in a professional field looking to balance life, whether you are a home maker to manage your home affairs, or whether you are stuck at some stage of your life and need some guidance, these topics may provide some sort of direction that could benefit you:

  1. How to level up your Leadership Skills
  2. How to Speak with Confidence
  3. How to Develop Time Mastery
  4. Working Remotely
  5. How to develop the Art of Consistency
  6. How to overcome Phone Addiction.

Let’s briefly look at each of the topic covered so you as the reader will have a perspective on the matter and will enjoy reading the sub-topics provided under.

1. How to Level up your Leadership Skills

In order to become a leader, you need people to follow you. That goes without saying, right?

While a boss orders people around, great leaders inspire people to follow them. They lead by example and act like the captain of the ship. People follow them because they WANT to, regardless of whether or not they are paid to do so.

Good leaders are also team players. They make every member of the team feel like they’re contributing to the success of the venture. I once heard “team” defined as: Together Everyone Achieves More. A leader will always share the credit for a job well done, while shouldering responsibility for when things go wrong.

Movie directors are often good leaders. They need to be in order to get the best performance out of all the actors who appear on camera and the technicians who work behind it. Have you noticed that at awards ceremonies the people accepting the award always have a long list of people to thank? That’s because they know they could not have achieved greatness without a team behind them.

When it comes to building a good team, it’s self-evident that you’ll want to have the best players on it. Therefore it’s a good idea to learn to spot and nurture talent. Great leaders know how to connect with the right kind of people and encourage them to move the team forward and develop successful strategies.

Above all else, you must invest in your team. That way, they’ll be more happy, engaged, loyal and dedicated, so nurture and provide them with a clear vision of what needs to be done. Help them become the best they can be, and they will reward you many times over.

More on “Leadership”: Read Here!

2. How to Speak with Confidence

Let us cover some of the most common mistakes people make in speaking. The sad fact is: Most people don’t realize they’re making them.

To start with have you ever, like, you know, listened to somebody making umm, a really hesitant, erm presentation, and erm, you know, not sounding like they know what they’re talking about, and erm haven’t you, umm, you know, found it really ANNOYING!

Using filler words like “you know” as well as “erm” and “umm” is probably the most common (and irritating) mistake people make. When you’re wondering what to say and looking for the next word, it’s best to simply say nothing. Apart from being less annoying, it will also make you appear more thoughtful and contemplative, as if you’re choosing your words carefully.

Another mistake is speaking louder than necessary. It’s as if the speaker thinks that by raising the volume, they’ll get their message through. Wrong! It just screams insecurity (pun very much intended). Instead, use a voice that’s loud enough to be heard, but not louder.

Likewise when people feel nervous or insecure, they tend to speak too fast – it’s almost as if they’re trying to get what they have to say over and done with ASAP. Slow down! Set a pace in your mind, or tap your foot to keep time like you’re singing a song.

Not making eye contact screams “I’ve got something to hide”. If you’re speaking to a group, pick one or two people in the audience and look at them instead of the audience as a whole. Shift your gaze between them every so often – just so you don’t seem like you’re staring.

Finally, straying off topic is another no-no. When you just waffle, it dilutes the message you’re trying to put across and listeners will come away without a clue of what you’re talking about. Stick to the point.

More on “Speak with Confidence”: Read Here!

3. How to Develop Time Mastery

A question a lot of people ask is: What is time mastery? How does it differ from time management? let me explain the difference.

Some people claim that you can’t actually manage time; it will come and go regardless. While this is true to a point, you CAN manage what you do with that time. You can draw up a to-do list of things you need to accomplish within a certain time-frame, or you can break down things into a schedule that lists where you need to be and what you need to be doing by the day or hour. I think we’re all familiar with this type of time management from our school days.

Some jobs will also have a rigid schedule. For example if you’re salesperson you’ll have a fixed agenda of sales calls – you’ll know what what clients you have to visit and what time they are expecting you. This is managing your time, but it’s not mastering our time.

Although you have your time planned out, there will still be periods of wasted time. In the example above, if you finish a sales call early, you’ll have to wait around until your next appointment. If your sales call runs over, you’ll have to play catch-up to get back on track.

Time mastery is different. It’s all about using time efficiently to get the maximum amount of tasks completed. In his book 31 Disciplines of Highly Successful Creatives, entrepreneur Noah Elias describes time mastery as: “It is a radical mindset. Instead of thinking of ways to reduce wasted time, mastery focuses on how you can invest your time to dramatically increase your work rate and reduce the amount of hours spent working.”

Time mastery is all about the 80:20 rule. Put simply, it means that you get 80% of your results from 20% of your efforts. Knowing what 20% of your efforts to invest your time in is the key to time mastery.

More on “Begin with Time Mastery”: Read Here!

4.Working Remotely

Working from home has become increasingly popular in recent years, and especially so during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many people are now familiar with the concept of carrying out their job responsibilities from the comfort of their own homes, rather than commuting to an office or workplace. The idea of working from home brings to mind images of sitting in pajamas all day, with a laptop and a cup of coffee within reach.

While this may be true for some, the reality of working from home is a little more complicated. It requires discipline, focus, and a structured routine to ensure productivity. One of the advantages of working from home is the ability to create a personalized environment that is conducive to productivity.

This might involve setting up a dedicated workspace with the necessary equipment and minimal distractions. Depending on personal preferences, some people may prefer a quiet space, while others may thrive in a bustling atmosphere. Another benefit of working from home is the flexibility it offers. Being able to set one’s own schedule can be a major advantage, allowing individuals to fit work around personal commitments and responsibilities.

It can be also difficult to separate work and personal life when they both occur in the same physical space. Distractions such as household chores, family members, or even the presence of a television can disrupt focus. It requires a strong level of self-discipline and time management skills to stay on track. Overall, working from home can be a highly rewarding experience, providing individuals with the flexibility to work in their own terms.

More on “Working Remotely”: Read Here!

5. How to Unlock your Full Potential

With everything that’s going on in the world, and going on in your life, it’s easy to become disillusioned and give up on your hopes and dreams. Lots of people do this; they give up, they drift and never unlock their full potential. You don’t have to be like them.

Oftentimes, a serious setback dents peoples’ confidence. Something completely beyond their control throws their plans into disarray and they don’t make any more plans because they figure there’s not a lot of point. It doesn’t have to be that way. I’m going to show you how you can make sure you get what you want regardless of the circumstances.

First off, decide what you want. Some people call this “goal setting”. It’s important because (think about it) if you don’t know what you want, you will never know when you’ve got to that goal?

Next, once your goal is set, work back from your achieved goal to now. This does two things:

1. It forces you to examine your goal and see if it’s both viable and realistic. If it’s not, then you can eliminate it and move on to something else before you commit time and money to what will ultimately be a fruitless endeavor.

2. It enables you to build a road map that guarantees your goal can be achieved every time. It also gives you the opportunity to build a “Plan B” into your original plan. You’ll know that before you can do “this”, you’ve got to do “that”. There may be more than one way of doing “that”, so if the first method doesn’t work, you can try another way instead and still reach your goal.

Put this method to the test today. Start with a small goal to build your confidence, then build up to bigger and bigger goals. Soon you’ll be turning “no, you can’t” into “yes, you can”!

More on “Unlock your Full Potential”: Read Here!

6. How to Develop the Art of Consistency

One way to be consistent without really trying is to establish a routine.

Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines routine as:

1. a regular course of procedure
2. habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure

In other words: it means you can be consistent without really thinking about it. Establishing routines can be tricky at first. You have to find a routine that works for you, and then you have to make a commitment to stick with it. This takes discipline – which is just a fancy way of saying doing something you’re not particularly keen on, at a time when you don’t want to do it.

Let’s say you want to exercise more, and have decided to do more walking. As it’s not feasible to walk all the way to your work, you’ve decided that instead of driving, you’re going to walk for part of the journey and take the bus or subway for the rest of it.

You can establish a routine of walking to the bus stop or train station. If you take out a season ticket, you will have paid for all your journeys in advance, so that’s a good excuse to leave the car at home. Your morning routine will soon start to look like this: Leave the house; walk to bus stop or train station, get on the bus/train; get off at the nearest stop to your workplace; walk the rest of the way. Your evening routine will be the process in reverse.

You’ll soon get used to leaving the house and walking instead of going to the garage and getting into the car. In fact, after a while, doing anything different will start to feel “wrong”. When that happens your routine will have become a habit, and you’ll be doing it consistently without thinking.

I’ll let you into a secret: It’s OK to “fall off the wagon” every once in a while – as long as you don’t do it too often. Sure, there will be times (especially in the winter when it’s cold and rainy) when the appeal of driving to work will be overwhelming. Likewise, there may be times (like a bus driver’s strike) when you have no option but to be temporarily inconsistent. That’s fine too.

Being consistent doesn’t mean you have to do the same thing every day, or can’t take a break every once in a while. After all you’re a human being, not a robot.

More on “Art of Consistency”: Read Here!

7. How to Overcome Phone Addiction

This topic may sound a bit odd, but let me tell you Phone Addiction is one of the biggest causes of failing to achieve the things in life that you have planned. It’s no secret that a phone addiction can really mess up your life. But did you realize just how insidious this addiction can be?

When we do something we enjoy, our brains release a chemical called Dopamine. This is often called “the feel good hormone”. Oftentimes when you use your phone, and you find it enjoyable, your brain releases Dopamine. Like all drugs (and Dopamine is, in effect, a natural drug) you build up a tolerance to it. This means you need more and more of it to get a “fix”. The problems occur then you’re not getting enough stimulation.

This can lead to a lot of negative symptoms. Chief among them are feelings of anxiety and depression. You NEED your Dopamine “fix”. You’re anxious for it, and feel depressed when you don’t get it.

If you’re someone who is always texting or talking to people via Facetime or any other medium, you can feel lonely and isolated when you can’t communicate this way – even when you’re around other people. Because social media in particular can be so absorbing and encompassing, it becomes a substitute for real life. This can lead to FOMO (fear of missing out) if you think something might be going on that you don’t know about.

Video games you can play on your phone (especially role playing games like “Doom & Destiny”) can be even more addictive – particularly in these strange times we’re living through today. Then there are the sleep disturbances brought on by the blue light from your smartphone screen. It tells your brain that it’s daylight – even when it’s really the middle of the night. If you’re waking in the night to check Twitter, you’ll find it hard to get back to sleep and will be like a “zombie” the next day.

Do yourself a favor, and break the habit now!

More on “Overcome Phone Addiction”: Read Here!


Despite what you’ve read here and in detail on the topics I cover, you may still have doubts as to whether you can fully achieve. Oftentimes, these doubts come from our childhood. Childhood aspirations are often put down as being “unrealistic” or (my mom’s favorite way of saying “no”) “unaffordable” Put those doubts out of your mind.

And, yes, when you were 8 years old, your view of the world was different than it is today – probably shaped by what you saw on TV rather than what you’d experienced in real life. But I’ll bet the nucleus of what you aspired to back then is certainly “doable” now.

So don’t limit yourself to what other people think is “realistic” or “affordable”. Decide for yourself what you want out of life and then go get it. Aim high and go far.

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